Shravan is a postdoctoral researcher working with Doug Jerolmack (Penn Soft Earth Dynamics Lab) and Paulo Arratia (Penn Complex Fluids Lab) at the University of Pennsylvania. Shravan’s research interests lie in the “Water-Energy-Food Nexus”, where he aims to: (a) replace materials derived from hydrocarbon-based feedstocks to establish a circular economy; and (b) accelerate technologies in climate-resilient and precision agriculture. Shravan employs a materials geomimicry approach, which aims at the synthetic reconstitution of hierarchical soil structures, by deconstructing the multiscale mechanics of natural earth materials, using laboratory analogs. This convergent scientific approach sits at the intersection of soft particulate rheo-tribology, colloid and surface science, materials geochemistry, soft-living matter interactions, non-linear dynamics, and experimental “big data”.

Soft matter mechanics of baseball's rubbing mud
Pradeep, Chen et al. PNAS, In Press
Published 01 Oct 2024
Origins of complexity in the rheology of Soft Earth suspensions
Pradeep, Arratia, and Jerolmack, Nat. Comms. 2024
Published 28 Aug 2024
Published 22 Apr 2024